Overheard at Five Oaks - December 6
Here are some stories from our most recent Story of God group in their own words, answering the question, "What impact did Story of God have on your life?" (I've changed some details to preserve anonymity.)
- "I feel I understand the ways that God has been speaking to my heart my whole life. Whereas before I didn’t see or understand it. It’s amazing."
- "Stewardship – putting my time, talents, treasure towards eternal things. Before this class, I was idolizing my job and putting all of me into it. Now, I have reevaluated my life, started tithing and am getting better at surrendering to God."
- "I have met another ‘new’ 5 Oaks family and look forward to deepening a relationship with them and impacting the kingdom together."
- "I love people more and plead for God to reach those lost and to give me chances to love them and show them the living water ‘come thirsty and drink’."
Here are the three comments we received last week from the online survey we send first-time attenders.
- "My initial impression felt like a good potential fit for me. Big enough without the mega church feel. Warm welcoming setting (coffee!), the music (gentle on the ears and spirit), the message, friendly people, close to my home, parking convenient/ample. And looks like a variety of options to get plugged into smaller groups fellowship."
- "The service was a great place to grow closer to God. I really like how 5 Oaks makes an effort to encourage family discussion about what the church is learning. Also great childcare provided."
- "It made me feel better. My kids and I really enjoyed it. We will be attending again this weekend."