10 Tweets on “God’s Dysfunctional Covenant Family” (Genesis 27:1-40)

Here's last weekend’s sermon in 10 Tweets in our “The Story Begins (The Gospel Project)" series.

1/ Do you know how to bless someone, the kind of blessing that shapes the trajectory of another person's life.

2/ A blessing doesn't require great verbal ability or imagination, but it does require thought, reflection, and intentionality.

3/ God pours out His mercy on the broken, and we’re all broken.

4/ God prophecies the older will serve the younger, but Isaac is completely committed to defying God on this.

5/ The fact that we are all broken and every family is dysfunctional is not an argument for setting a low bar for yourself or for your family. 

6/ God wants to transform us. God calls us to live for his glory. Brokenness and dysfunction always lead to painful consequences. 

7/ Sin grieves God and that should matter to us.

8/ Brokenness has painful consequences, but they’re not consequences that God can’t redeem.

9/ Jacob craved for what his brother had. So he was willing to become someone other than himself, lie, and then blaspheme God to get it. 

10/ To bless, say what you see IN this person and say what you see FOR this person.

Watch last weekend's sermon below or here.