Meet Your DailyLife Writers - Joy Fullhart
What do you like about serving in this ministry?
- I love that this ministry is so unique to 5 Oaks! I love the way the Holy Spirit works with me to write every one of my lessons. It’s a glorious feeling to sit down, pray about the lesson and feel him guide me. Writing these reminds me of Jesus’ words about prayer in Matthew 6:6. “But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” This is a behind-the-scenes ministry that I do in order to bless and be blessed in quiet.
What do you find most challenging about serving in this ministry?
- It is ALWAYS scary to me to write a lesson. Despite the Holy Spirit’s track record of ALWAYS showing up, I struggle with the “What if’s.” What if he doesn’t; what if I can’t think of anything to write; what if…. And I struggle to set aside the time to write. I don’t know about other writers, but these lessons take me a long time to write and it’s often difficult to find that time.
What might be an indication that you are that week’s writer?
- I like to use references to other Scriptures. To me it adds validity to what I’m saying. This is what Scripture says, not Joy. I also like to reference other Scriptures because I like to encourage others to dig more into the Bible and see how it all fits together. That was something that grew me tremendously in my walk so I like to help others in that way as well. I also reference other sermons. I listen to a fair amount of sermons from other pastors to keep me fed throughout the week and sometimes they correlate beautifully to what I’m writing!
What’s one thing people might find surprising about you?
- That’s a good question….. That I’m not perfect? Haha just kidding. A lot of people might know I'm a fitness instructor, but they may not know I do kickboxing videos.
What’s your favorite book in the Bible?
- That is a really tough question. I have so many favorite passages from all over the Bible. But I’m going to have to say James. The instructions are so fundamental to me. Prayer, managing emotions and the tongue, mercy over judgment, and resisting the devil. With these 4 things and an understanding of Jesus’ love one can live a life aligned with God. It’s all covered in James!
What are your hobbies?
- I love to be outside doing something active. Hiking, camping, running, biking, rollerblading, water tubing, boating, sledding, ice skating, boot camp, laying around at the beach, sitting on the patio, bonfires, yard work, shoveling. I also love movies at drive-ins or in movie theaters and I used to love reading when I had quiet, alone time!