The Weekend - "Courageous Leadership"

Hi Five Oakers,

Leadership requires courage, whether it's leading your kids, leading in your workplace, leading others to Christ, leading your family through a crisis, or leading in ministry. 

It requires courage because it's never been easy to lead others. Our day brings some special challenges. 

  • The people we lead are bombarded with so many experts with conflicting opinions and with so many ideas that choosing a direction, especially one informed by God's moral vision and mission, is immediately suspect. Who wants to be suspect simply for leading? 
  • Social media has taken arm-chair quarterbacking to all new levels, making it a national past-time and online "haters" a household word. Who wants to be incessantly criticized for every decision? 
  • We have options galore. Researchers have shown how much harder it is to choose when there are many options available. Who wants to say 'no' to so many options simply by saying 'yes' to one? 

Leadership is needed. Our kids, our workplaces, our communities, our world needs leaders who are willing to bring a gospel vision and loving actions into the every day. But it takes courage to lead.

We're continuing our series in Joshua this weekend. Courage in leadership is one of the big themes in Joshua. How many times does God tell Joshua to "be strong and courageous" as he leads the Israelites?

We're looking at Joshua 10:1-28, where Joshua is leading the people of Israel under intense criticism and into a highly questionable battle. 

Joshua shows us what it means and what it takes and what it looks like to lead courageously in times of uncertainty and against insurmountable odds. 

Prayer plays an important role in Joshua's battle, and, as always, prayer is front and center in our worship service. Come to worship. Come to pray with the body of Christ. Come to listen as God speaks through his Word.

Blessings, Pastor Henry