10 Tweets on "Courageous Leadership" (Joshua 10)
Here are 10 Tweets from my sermon in "The Promised Land (Joshua & Judges) series:
1/ God is calling all of us to be leaders (influencers). I was an influencer in my neighborhood growing up.
2/ God doesn't want you to simply lead by accident. He wants you to lead on purpose.
3/ Whatever decision Joshua makes it will be wrong: break the oath or break the mandate. But he must decide.
4/ Courageous leaders lead into the uncertainty. There is no Bible verse that resolves Joshua's tension.
5/ Courageous leaders step out, trusting God with their decision.
6/ What do you learn about God from fact that he blesses Joshua's decision in spite of his mistake?
7/ It was God's battle and it was his to win and it was he who won it.
8/ The conquest of Canaan also represents an ongoing spiritual battle involving God and us.
9/ Jesus came to do battle with evil, but first he secures his people.
10/ "Death is swallowed up in victory...therefore be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord."