One More Thing
Hi Five Oakers, It's the weekend and there are a few things I want to share with you.
The Weekend
This weekend we launch a new series, The David Story: Finding Strength in God. It's an eight-week journey through 1 Samuel. 2 Samuel and the rest of David's story will follow.
Before the David story is the Samuel story, the man who anoints David king. And before the Samuel story is the story of his mother, Hannah. From Hannah we learn what it means to dedicate something of great value to God.
We have several child dedications and it's Mother's Day weekend, so you can imagine how happy I am that this text fell on today and not David and Bathsheba!
Sarah Bessey on "Motherhood: Transformation by Interruption"
By nature, by nurture, and by training, I'm a planner. I've always been able to make a plan, work a plan, stick to a plan. It's one of my greatest strengths, a dedication that has served me well in everything from my former work in strategic development and marketing to my life now as a writer and a mother.
Amy Julia Becker on "Ordinary Moms, Everyday Heroes: Every mom has the makings of a hero"
I wonder how many young women realized they are also embarking on a hero’s journey when they become mothers.
One More Thing
Dale Ralph Davis writes:
Hannah, therefore, shares in the fellowship of barrenness. And it is frequently in this fellowship that new chapters in Yahweh's history with his people begin--begin with nothing. God's tendency is to make our total inability his starting point. Our hopelessness and our helplessness are no barrier to his work. Indeed our utter incapacity is often the prop he delights to use for his next acts. ...Once we see where God often begins we will understand how we may be encouraged. (1 Samuel: Looking on the Heart, p. 16)