10 Tweets
Here's my sermon from last weekend in 10 Tweets, "The Bible and Sexual Intimacy" in the Loveology series (1 Corinthians 7:1-5
1/ What if sexual intimacy in marriage is one of the means God uses to make us more like Jesus?
2/ We are so sexually broken that our sexual life is full of the pain of unfulfilled desires.
3/ Sex is God’s idea! He created the drive, he made it pleasurable, and then he told Adam and Eve to go do it.
4/ Let your wife be a fountain of blessing for you. …Let her breasts satisfy you always. May you always be captivated by her love. Pro 5:18f.
5/ The Bible isn't prudish, but also contains many warnings about sex when it’s taken outside of its God-given boundaries and purposes.
6/ Countercultural message of 1 Cor 7:4 - women have sexual desires & those desires are legitimate & that they're as legitimate as a man’s.
7/ Marital intimacy God’s way teaches us to be less self-centered and more other-centered.
8/ The biblical ethic for sexual intimacy is training us in self-giving and serving others. It is training ground to be more like Christ.
9/ You might say that sex as a gift to be enjoyed bet a husband & wife who are trying to out-serve each other, even in bed.
10/ Jesus our model. Washed feet - Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. (Jn 15:13)