10 Tweets

Here's last weekend's sermon in 10 Tweets, The David Story (1 Samuel), “Dedicating,” 1 Samuel 1:1–2:11 5153416630_3ba43067d1_b

1/ What does it mean to really dedicate our children (or anything else we value highly)?

2/ The David Story amazingly begins with a story of a woman, Hannah, deeply disappointed with her life.

3/ Out of her disappointment and depression she makes a crucial decision leading to dedicating her child to God.

4/ We can't dedicate our kids w/out coming to conviction that God is supreme & his glory is most important.

5/ In Hannah's day, children brought not only personal fulfillment but tied to family and national security.

6/ Hannah trades her dream for God's dreams and purposes.

7/ She sets aside her idol, her god, to make her life about serving & glorifying God.

8/ An idol can be a good thing that becomes an ultimate thing. Can't live without thing.

9/ Make a habit of reminding yourself that your children belong to God, not to you. Parenting is stewardship.

10/ Battle idolatry in your own heart by seeking your identity in God and investing in God's dream.