Monday Memo
Hi Five Oakers, Here's a selection of comments from the weekend Communication Cards:
// Happy Easter! Alleluia! Thank you for Easter Lord!
// Powerful services, both Good Friday (wow, Dan!) and Easter Sunday. Loved using the scripture listing over 500 people who saw Jesus alive. Praise God for the decision responses. [Dan's message on Good Friday was powerful! And the service itself was planned by Nathan Stocker and Jonathan Haage. It was so moving. Loved Nathan's ending.]
// Wow, what a great morning. Thanks for the awesome worship and excellent message.
// I always (miss) want more tradition at Easter but really enjoyed our worship “celebration” today!
// Every day – I didn’t realize how much I needed your words today. Thank you!
// Praise to God that our family was led here eight years ago this Easter! We are blessed.
// Now my debt is paid, it is paid in full by the precious blood that my Jesus spilled. Now the curse of death has no hold on me. Whom the son sets free oh is free indeed! Amen. Powerful worship this Easter morning.
// An unbelievable powerful traditional Good Friday service to the joy and celebration of Easter. Praise God for a worship team with the hearts and talents you have? Stop, skip with phenomenal worship music – from tears of sadness Friday night to tears of joy on Easter! Loved Henry’s bold prayer, confident in the Spirit. Henry that was an awesome message. Loved John’s video story. Loved the bold call Henry. Loved the final song.
// Henry – powerful message – loved how you weaved in the stories from Jon and the son who lost his father.
// Great music! He is risen!
// Love the new “stained-glass” banners!
// Beautiful celebration banners! Great job to the worship arts team.
// Good Friday – Dan. You shared from the heart – a story of conviction and hope! We love you Dan! Music set tone but was hard to sing along. Great use of Faith Story! Maybe a future Pastor... – what wisdom – and use of personal loss to teach others. Glory to God!
// Wonderful Good Friday service – Dan and Nathan – great job. Awesome music for ending of service!
// Celebrate Jesus! So blessed to be part of Five Oaks! Awesome service, thank you.
// I love the gospel invitation – clear – inventional.
// Thank you Pastor Henry. Today the scripture really touched my heart. In regard to a loss of a father. I have missed my dad every day since I was six years old.