Monday Memo
Hi Five Oakers, I have a few things I want to share with you today.
// What a weekend! The stories in the Commons were unbelievable. Jennifer Clemens and her team did an great job of making the FOR [ ] finale incredible! Loved watching so many people read the stories, watch the videos, enjoy the treats and have fun at the photo booth.
// Our advance commitments totaled $1,200,000!!! That puts us 3/4 of the way toward our goal of $1.6M. I don't think we've ever had a start like this before. Amazing! 98 families made pledges ranging from $1500 to $100,000. I'm so thankful to God and for our congregation. You made a commitment and showed up!
// I just love the "Location, Location, Location" video. Some day those fields surrounding our property will be covered with houses and people living in those houses. Tom, you did a wonderful job of sharing our vision!
For [ ] from Five Oaks on Vimeo.
// Here’s a selection from your comments, observations and questions from the weekend Communication Cards.
- Love the updates throughout the church. Nice job!
- Love the first song as we came in.
- Pam you are a blessing! ☺
- Great to have Rick Ellis back on stage. [I agree, and he did a great job leading that final song.]
- Cannot wait to see how God will use the people of Five Oaks to bless the East Metro, Jersey city, Haiti and THE WORLD!
- Couldn’t wait for this service to see God at work through the “FOR” campaign. Wow, unbelievable response. Thank you Lord. All the praise and glory are yours. Wonderful worship service and campaign celebration. Worship team, you rock!
- Henry, thank you for your message today. It is something I needed to hear. You had one statement that took a weight off my shoulder and brought a tear to my eye. Thank you God!
- Henry, thank you for leading us and challenging us! Awesome worship team, thank you for sharing your gifts with us!
- Daniel, “How I Need You” was perfect for the sermon.
// We received one comment from the cards we send first-time guests:
- 10/1 Our two year old enjoyed her class so much she cried when it was time to go.
// Here’s the video that was playing in the Commons walls on the weekend. Thanks to all of your who shared your stories. Very moving.
FOR - [The Next 25 Years] from Five Oaks on Vimeo.
Blessings, Pastor Henry