Getting Unstuck

Main_Slide_v2The Israelites have escaped Egypt only to find themselves seemingly trapped between the Egyptian army and the Red Sea. Immediately they forget all that God has done for them to get them to this point so they fail to trust him to get them out of this new predicament.

Because they believe they can't move forward, they want to go back to Egypt.

They should be asking God for an eleventh plague after seeing all those miracles of grand proportion, but instead they accuse and complain to God.

God has saved them by the blood of a lamb when the Destroyer came to Egypt and passed over their homes, but they don't believe they can trust him to guide them in their new life, free from the bondage of slavery.

Yet God by his grace says, "I will fight for you and all you need to do is stand fast, be silent before me and watch what I do."

That's the first passage we tackle in this new series beginning this weekend.

Sound relevant?

This weekend is all about the gospel--how to be saved by God and how to live in that salvation and freedom.

The gospel is not the A, B, C's of the Christian life but the A to Z.

This is one of those weekends--actually, one of those series--that will speak deeply to your own journey but will leave you thinking, "I wish I had invited my friend who is far from God," because it will clearly proclaim the Gospel.

I'm praying for lots of folks to come and cross the line of faith, for you and I to grow in our faith and for all of us to join together in prayer on this.