Thursday Memo

Hi Five Oakers, The weekend’s coming and there are a few things I don’t want you to miss:


The Weekend

It’s amazing what we can do when we band together, and this weekend will be a living demonstration of that fact. Alone, we are not world-changers. Together, as a church led by God and partnering with other believers around the world, we are world-changers.

This is the last weekend of the FOR Campaign. Powerful videos and visuals from the moment you walk in the doors. The announcement of the advance commitments! A call to commitment. I can’t wait!


Helpful Links


One More Thing

Our next series is a great one for inviting that person you’ve been praying for at the Light Station.

Main_Slide_v2God delivers the Israelites from bondage and at the first sign of trouble they want to back to Egypt and to bondage. Not much different than we are. This series will be about our freedom in Christ and how to get unstuck.

Are you old enough to remember the Keith Green song, “So You Want to Go Back to Egypt”? It’s a classic. Check it out.

Blessings to you all, Pastor Henry