Story of God Series Responses (5 of 5)

The last batch of responses address the small group experience.

Our small group included the kids in the reading (and some discussion). Our kids “got into it.” I look forward to asking them, as we read the Bible stories in the future, to ask them in which scene any given verse or story fits.

I loved the encouragement to wonder about parts of the story. …It led to some great discussions and eye opening ways to look at the Good News.

The 3 pieces (small group, messages and reading) fit very well together. They helped me build a framework and fill in some of the gaps in my understanding. It was fantastic to grow as a small group and ask questions to help each other understand.

…really love the audio (“verbal telling”) of sections of the story during small group.

I’ve learned more in the small group during these 7 weeks than any other study.