Story of God Series Responses (4)

Some responses gave some helpful feedback on how to improve the experience. Very helpful since we are going to be leading more people in this as a small group experience in the future. A small handful of people (five or six of over 350 responses) didn't seem to particularly like the series or the small group experience. I truly appreciate their candor, but I'm not going to post those comments this time around.

Here are some more responses:

It impacted me in so many ways. I feel I can now share God’s Word so much better now. …I had so many questions and some things I didn’t understand. Wow! It is all so much clearer to me now. Plus, I have learned much more. I feel so much stronger in my faith walk. Can you tell just how excited I have been about this series. It is just what I needed.

Loved the series, was really helpful in tying the whole Bible Story together.

The Bible became less arcane and the intentions of God from the beginning to the end became more transparent. There was so much revealed to me throughout this study—the most impactful of which is God’s love for us and his mercy.

…It gave me more of a desire to be more like Him!!!

…it has shown me a deeper historical meaning that I have been longing for.

The series accomplished its goal for me. I have a better overall understanding of the Bible.

I like how it got us all on the same page with the story of God.

This series is exactly what I was looking for! I’ve been buying books to help me understand what it truly means to have faith and believe in the kingdom of Christ. The Story of God has been amazing in helping me learn the history and connect it to daily life. I can’t wait for the Story of Jesus.

Powerful tie in from Old Testament to New Testament. Jesus was worth the wait!

…helped me to realize how the story fit together and everything led to Jesus. I always knew this, but now I know in greater detail.