Story of God Series Responses (2)

One of the themes in the responses and some emails I got was about bringing people far from God to experience the series. One person brought a sibling who is unchurched but who participated in the weekend and small group experience and continued online through the whole series, including the small group oral stories and discussion questions! Most of the responses contained too much personal information to post, but here's one example of bringing others to the series.

Brought...friends who are not church attenders. They have a much better understanding of the Bible and a new curiosity around God. The seeds have been planted and they want to know more. Great series for me too—learned new things.

Another theme was how the series created greater hunger for more of God's Word.

This has helped tremendously with me getting into the Bible and not to be overwhelmed. This has made me so much more “hungry” for the Word!!

…Seeing how everything fits together is very meaningful and has given me a greater hunger for the Scriptures. I especially enjoyed the daily study, more Scripture than normal in the normal group life daily study.

Gave me a renewed desire to spend more time studying God’s Word…

…it made we want to read beyond the assigned readings.

I’m learning so much and want more!

This encouraged me to read and learn from the Bible. I have never read so much from the Bible in my life. I can’t believe how much I am learning.

This really opened my mind to “the Story” and left me wanting more! I want to read and dig in more and all the powerful words and stories, so I am going to make that a priority. Today, I’m going to sign up for an online 1 year plan to read the whole Bible for the first time…

A lot of people said "thank you." I appreciate all those thank you notes. Very meaningful to me. So thank you too.