Exponential - Ed Stetzer

StetzStetzer has trained pastors and church planters on five continents, is an experienced church planter and has served as a seminary professor. His book, Planting New Churches in a Postmodern Age, helps church planters to start and grow biblically faithful and culturally relevant churches. His book has become a standard in seminaries around the country. He is also the author of Breaking the Missional Code and other books.

Title: "A new church will move beyond addition by being MISSIONAL.

  • Based the talk on Acts 16:7-10.
  • Live sent.
  • The New Testament is a book about a God who sends sending people on mission.
  • When planting, bring Christ and not just the church.
  • Be. Do. Tell.
  • Relevance is a tool; the gospel is the goal. Be confident in the gospel, not the tool, to change lives.
  • From seeker driven or seeker sensitive to seeker comprehensible.