Exponential - Dave Ferguson
Dave Ferguson is the lead pastor of Christian Community Church in Naperville, IL. and one of the co-authors of the book The Big Idea. Dave also leads The NewThing Network, the organization that is coaching us as we launch our Hudson campus.
Title: “A new church will move beyond addition by CONTINUALLY REPRODUCING.”
- What’s it going to take for us to see rapid reproduction in our own church?
- Rapid reproduction begins when we dream big. The bigger your dreams, the more profound questions you'll ask and the bigger your prayer life and dependence on God will be.
- Treat them like they’re Christians until they realize they’re not.
- Big dreams change others around you. They’re contagious.
- Dream big. But you have to start small.
- Paul to Timothy to faithful men to others. Four generations. Starts small. Starts with yourself. You will reproduce who you are.
- Start with leaders. Why do some reproduce? Joel Comisky study: Gender, social class, age, marital status, education not a factor. Vital prayer life (90 minutes or more daily multiply twice as fast as others) and goal setting.
- You have a culture for rapid reproduction when you…Seek the lost more than the found (like Jesus)…Love the edge more than the center…Prefer going more than staying.