Big Disappointment

Lois and I were going to do a road trip out to see our son Aaron's band concert at Oshkosh today. That means four hours out, a concert at 7pm and... (you do the math). I was actually looking forward to it. I had a book for us to listen to on the iPod (Christmas Train by Baldacci), I was going to get a nap on the way up and Lois would sleep some on the way back. But Lois is sick. Looks like a stomach flu and she feels horrible.

Called Aaron to break the bad news. He was so disappointed...because now we couldn't bring back some of his instruments for Christmas break! Thanks for caring, Aaron. (Just for the record: we are really disappointed we're not going to get to see him play.) He wants stuff here for jamming with his friends. He has this six foot long Chinese stringed instrument and probably over 100 lbs. of cymbals, so I don't see how.