No more “I’m only….” Overcoming Feelings of Inadequacy. Living God’s Best.
If you know God has something for you to do and you feel inadequate, welcome to the club. Members include Abraham, Moses, and Mary. And Jeremiah.
“We are practiced at pleading inadequacy in order to avoid living at the best God has called us to.” (Eugene Peterson) Photo by Francois B. Arthanas on Unsplash.
When God calls Jeremiah to be his prophet, Jeremiah pushes back, “I’m only a boy.” (Jeremiah 1:6; The Message)
God's response? “Don’t say you’re only a boy.”
God is saying, “Nope. Don’t give me that excuse.”
“I’m only….” You fill in the blank for your life.
Eugene Peterson writes, “We are practiced at pleading inadequacy in order to avoid living at the best God has called us to.”
Practiced at pleading inadequacy. So we make excuses--the “I’m only’s” of our lives.
And God’s answer will always be, “Nope. Don’t give me that excuse.”
But God doesn’t stop there. He explains why that excuse will not hold up.
He explains why we can live the best he has called us to.
I don’t want to miss his best.
We’ll look at how not to miss his best this weekend as we focus on Jeremiah 1:1-10.
Do you know someone, besides youself, who could use this message?
(Grow in biblical fluency. Watch the Bible Project video on Jeremiah.)