Overheard at Five Oaks - January 31, 2017
Things overheard at The Weekly (our weekly all staff meeting), by lurking around corners and hiding in cleaning closets, and with some help from the snoopy neighbor across the street.
"I get to lead the meeting. Woooo!" Stephanie Kiel, Communications Director, standing in for Brian Burquest at The Weekly (our all-staff meeting).
"I wish I'd been video taping because it was so good and so moving." Jonathan Haage (Small Groups Pastor) on faith stories from the men's retreat.
"No matter someone's political leanings, we have a biblical responsibility to the refugees." Kevin Johnson (Impact Director) talking about Arrive Ministries and possible future partnering with them. Speaking of refugees, check out this article on Five Oaker Juli Servatius and Karen refugees in the Woodbury Magazine.
"Aimee killed it this weekend." She led worship, organized Dan's party, and her husband was at the Men's Ministry retreat!
"I needed a lot of help, and I got it!" Aimee's response.
"Consummate V's! Consummate V's!" Me introducing John Eiselt and Jennifer Clemens to Strong Bad emails. Can you believe they'd never heard of Strong Bad or Trogdor, the Burninator?