10 Tweets on “In the Beginning, God…” (Genesis 1:1-25)
Here's last weekend’s sermon in 10 Tweets in our “The Story Begins (The Gospel Project)“ series.
1/ God is the main character of the story of Creation. He is the main character in the Bible. It’s his story.
2/ Just like any other story within a larger story, the meaning of this story unfolds as you read the rest of the story.
3/ We have to read Genesis as a book written for God’s people in the wilderness before we read it as God’s word to us.
4/ Every story, including the story of creation, needs to be read in the context of God’s larger redemptive story.
5/ God tells them this story through Moses to help his people understand that the God of their bedtime stories was the very same God who created the world.
6/ Unlike the creation myths of their day, in creation the one true God is intimately engaged with his creation.
7/ Our society has it’s creation myths. They change over time, God is absent, we ourselves have to assign meaning and purpose.
8/ The Bible says God creates, he is engaged with his creation, and he alone assigns meaning and value.
9./ Worship is how we respond to the goodness, beauty, and reality the heavens and the earth proclaim.
10/ The creation reveals God and his glory, but in Jesus we have the ultimate revelation of God’s love for us.