The Key to More Merry in Your Christmas

I don’t know anybody who doesn’t want to have a merry Christmas. Even people who hate Christmas want a merry Christmas—the less they hear or think about it, the merrier it is for them. 

Most of us, though, love the Christmas season, and we do lots of things to make it merrier. We have some traditions we do every year, or maybe we listen to endless Christmas music.

But Christmas cheer is not always easy to come by. 

This weekend at Five Oaks we’re looking at the angel’s announcement to the shepherds in Luke 2. The key to Christmas cheer, to joy, is found in their announcement

Do you want to know what it is?


If you’re still reading, you obviously don’t mind spoilers. 

The key to more merry in your Christmas is in the angel’s spoilers

The angel tells how how things turn out. 

Because of the baby born in the manger, because of Christmas and what Christmas brings, what’s wrong will be made right.

Maybe things feel wrong for you this Christmas. The angel's announcement reminds us that because of Christ, what’s wrong will be made right.

But that’s not all. Because of Christ, what’s right will be made infinitely better

How so? That’s what we’ll explore this weekend. No more spoilers.

Who can you invite? Who do you know that needs some Christmas cheer?