The Weekend - "The Upside to Judgment, Fear, and Failure"

I've read a lot of books and heard a lot of talks about how to be successful in this or that. But it's rare for those books or those talks to really discuss the terrible dangers lurking in success.

Gideon's story spells out the real dangers of success and the upside of failure. 

Gideon's story spells out the real dangers of success and the upside of failure. 

Sometimes they do talk about the upside of failure. But the point is how failure can get us closer to success.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against success and I'm not pro-failure. But there are real dangers lurking in success. Very real dangers. Gideon's story in Judges 6-8 illustrates the dangers. And it offers direction on how to avoid the dangers for those times when we're killing it in life.

But the reality is that there are times when the danger is so well masked that failure is the greatest thing that could happen to us. Failure has an upside. And so do judgment and fear. We'll explore that this weekend in the sermon.

Of course, our weekend service is more than the sermon. Our worship gathered fuels the vision for our worship scattered. Come, gather, worship this weekend at Five Oaks.