10 Tweets on "The Making of a Selfish Superhero" (Judges 13:1-14:3)

Here's last weekend's sermon in 10 tweets.

Samson uses his super strength for selfish purposes his whole life. The whole community failed this superhero. His parents failed him. He failed himself. 

Samson uses his super strength for selfish purposes his whole life. The whole community failed this superhero. His parents failed him. He failed himself. 

1/ Making a selfish superhero: The people of God fail to be the people of God.

2/ The Israelites bind their rescuer for acting like a rescuer. 

3/ When the people of God fail to live distinctive and devoted lives for God, they fail to be the people of God.

4/ Making a selfish superhero: Parents choose religion over a relationship with God.

5/ Religion without a relationship with God always becomes about manipulation. I do for God; he does for me.

6/ Israel is called first to love God. Relationship first, then the rules.

7/ Making a selfish superhero: The hero is wrong-sighted.

8/ She's wrong in God's eyes, but she is right in my eyes.

9/ What is evil in the sight of God becomes what is right in their own eyes.

10/ There's good news for you if you feel the weight of your guilt. If you redefine wrong as good, the good news will be bad for you.