One More Thing
Hi Five Oakers, It's the weekend and there are a few things I want to share with you.
The Weekend
Today we're talking about sex in our Loveology series. The question I'm going to address is, What if sexual intimacy in marriage is one of the means God uses to make us more like Jesus?
Jeni Carlson on "What if….. our kids asked, 'What needs to be done?'"
Serving allows the Holy Spirit to cultivate a sensitivity to others and focuses on a cause bigger than one individual life
Jared Wilson on "How do you know if you're repentant?"
Repenting people, typically, are zealous about casting off their sin. That’s what God’s Spirit does inside of them. When this happens, one can expect to see a willingness to accept outside counsel. A willingness to inconvenience their schedules. A willingness to confess embarrassing things. A willingness to make financial sacrifices or lose friends or end relationships.
One More Thing
Ray Ortlund, Jr., Isaiah: God Saves Sinners (Preaching the Word Commentary: Crossway, 2005). Cited by Jared Wilson.
“We are not just ordinary. Nothing is just ordinary. ‘The whole earth is full of his glory.’ We keep trying to fill it with monuments to our own glory — kingdoms, businesses, hit songs, athletic victories, and other mechanisms of self-salvation. But the truth is better than all that. Created reality is a continuous explosion of the glory of God. And history is the drama of his grace awakening in us dead sinners eyes to see and taste to enjoy and courage to obey.
“Do you realize that it is God’s will to make this earth into an extension of his throne room in Heaven? Do you realize that it is God’s will for his kingdom of glory to come into your life and for his will to be done in you as it is done in Heaven? Heaven is expanding, spreading in your direction.
“That is the meaning of existence, if you will accept it and enter in.
“Heaven is taking over. Yield.”