One More Thing

Hi Five Oaksers, The weekend is coming and I have a few things I want to share with you.


The Weekend

I'm really looking forward to Game Cafe tonight (Friday). Lois and I love the game Settlers of Catan, so we'll be playing that our table. Anyone who wants to learn (first come, first serve) can join us and I'll teach them how to play.

This is the final week of our Rule of Life series and I'll focus on brining God into our everyday at work or school.

And it's also Palm Sunday weekend. And this year we'll be celebrating several baptisms. It will look and feel different than you've experienced before at Five Oaks. I can't wait!

It's going to be a great weekend.


Tim Challies on "Parenting Well in a Digital World"

Parents often feel intimidated by new technologies, so do not bother to investigate them. Instead, they hand their children devices without really understanding their power and capabilities, and that leaves the children as the ones who bear all the risk.

Jeff Vanderstelt on "Stop just going to church"

I watched young and old come to know the love of Jesus and receive very informal but effective training in how to become responsible, hard-working, loving men. Because of my parents’ ministry at home and at work, many men still call our family “their own.” However, the church never called this “ministry.”

One More Thing

Joe Thorn in Experiencing the Trinity:

“Holding indifference, apathy, or bitterness toward the church sets you against what God holds dear. It shows that what Jesus loves and saves is not worth your own time, interest, and affection. This fact applies to the church universal and the church local. God has called you to himself to be a part of his people. How you interact with the people of God reveals much about your relationships with the Lord (Matt. 25:31-46). If you love the Lord, you will love his church (1 John 4:7-12).”