One More Thing
Hi Five Oakers, The weekend is here and there are couple of things I want to share with you:
The Weekend
I can't tell you how excited I am to share with you what I've been learning this week from the miracle where Jesus feeds 4000 hungry people. Seriously, I have some fascinating things to share with you. I'll leave it at that.
Debbie Holloway on "What the Unbroken Movie Left Out about Louis Zamperini"
On the heels of Angelina Jolie’s feature film Unbroken, The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has produced a documentary on the life of Louis Zamperini entitled Captured by Grace, partially narrated by Zamperini himself.
One More Thing
Jared Wilson on The Feeding of the Four Thousand in his book, Wonder-Working God:
Jesus once again blesses the small provision of fish and loaves, and supplies the needs of four thousand hungry people , who all eat until they are satisfied (v. 8). Once again, against all odds, Jesus can be trusted with very little to satisfy very much.