10 Tweets

Here's last weekend's sermon in 10 Tweets, Marvels & Wonders: A Study in the Miracles of Jesus, "A Tale of Two Terrors (Calming the Storm)" The Wave - D8C_0939

1/ After experiencing the terror of almost drowning, the disciples experience a terror worse than death.

2/ How tired do you have to be to sleep through that storm? Witness the Incarnation.

3/ Jared Wilson: "The disciples sleeping sovereign is sleeping because he's sovereign."

4/ What would God have to do to convince he cares for you if he doesn't calm the storm?

5/ Faced with God's unbounded power you ask, "What if he's not good?"

6/ Or more terrifying, "What if he's absolute goodness and justice with no mercy and grace? If so, I'm doomed."

7/ Jesus demonstrates he cares, even when he doesn't calm the storm.

8/ Jesus promises a day day is coming when all will be made right. No more storms. Do you trust his word?

9/ Jesus got in the boat. Exhausted. What was he doing here on earth if not showing how much he cared.

10/ Jesus went to the cross. Jared Wilson: "He has skin you can pierce, but only if he lets you." Jesus let you.