Monday Memo
Here are most of the comments and questions from the weekend Communication Cards:
// Awesome job Tim! You have a wonderful gift. [I agree!]
// I’m so thankful for this church. I’ve had so much support and love from the people during my struggles this year.
// Beautiful worship!
// Thankful for Five Oaks! Your teaching of the Bible is great. We’ve visited another church closer to our home recently, but the message doesn’t compare to your teaching.
// Tim, love the Philip Ryken quote.
// Peaceful and restful to sing traditional Christmas carols. Could actually hear the congregation singing. Feel a part of the service that way rather than being entertained. Thank you.
// Many of the songs very difficult for congregation to follow. Little participation!
// Loved the quietness and prayer in the opening worship set. Tim, I love how you modulate your voice, use hands, pace, volume and stepping forward to emphasize and underscore points. Great message with a familiar story. Great closing song.
// The early morning Advent service was wonderful. What a great way to start the day! [Yes, loved it too!]
// I miss the cross in the front.
// Love “Joy to the World”! Beautiful and creative. Thank you for Advent worship on Thursdays.
// Advent season – why not do a short segment with the Advent candles to recognize this special season? [Thanks, we'll consider it. We use to do it all the time, but we now recognize it it in a number of other ways throughout the service and with the Thursday Advent services.]
// Where are the Christmas Invite cards? Announcement and in bulletin but no Invite cards anywhere??? [They were supposed to be in on Friday and the printers missed the deadline. They are in now, so will be available for next week. Glad you were looking for them!]