Monday Memo

Hi Five Oakers, Here are most of the comments from the weekend Communication Cards:

bass guitar

// Nice to see Todd G. on bass today! [Yes, great to have him back in the band. He was our first ever drummer oh so many years ago!]

// Thank you, thank you for the beautiful worship! Really loved this worship especially how you guys did the crescendo at the end, so powerful and moving – Christ Alone, Cornerstone! Very moved by the message. I want to get in trouble for Jesus! [I agree on the beautiful worship. And, yes, it did build to such a great crescendo. Thank you Jeremy and team!]

// Great message! You might want to read “Captive in Iran”. Awesome read! [Thanks for the book recommendation.]

// Great message Henry, very convicting! Awesome worship time, thank you band!

// I am so undeserving of all the love and compassion that God has poured out to me through the kind, thoughtful and loving people of Five Oaks I could cry. Thank you all so much!

// Just an idea, but what about having an electronic version of the sermon notes for people who use tablets and phones. Not sure if there is a huge need or level of feasibility, but it’s an idea. [Let me know if you know a simple way to do it.]