Monday Memo

Hi Five Oakers, Here are the comments and questions from the weekend Communication Cards:

4/365: That Monday Morning feeling is defeated by Coffee and Rock! (Explored) // A word of joy and appreciation. A member brought me coffee and two cookies yesterday. He made my morning. I was in need of energy while I was painting. That really helped me. I was delighted. It gave me energy, but more important it gave me joy. I really needed a break and a show of compassion! Thank you Ken!

// Great opening prayer followed by “Bless the Lord Oh My Soul”. Powerful, made my heart feel grateful and happy.

// Thankful, hopeful.

// Thank you for a glimpse thru suffering.

// Opening set was wonderful and set us for teaching! Great music and signing throughout.

// I turned 16 yesterday!  [Congratulations!]

// Wonderful to be back (been on vacation). Great message (thanks Warren) and worship!

// Loved, loved the worships set. Thanks for your leadership Jeremy. Really terrific song selection and flow to crescendo and back. Excellent.

// We brought a guest tonight who needed to hear this sermon. Thank you for this message.