10 Tweets & Weekend Communication Card Comments/Questions

Hi Five Oakers: Here's the weekend sermon in 10 Tweets, "You're killing me!" (Galatians 4:8-20)

You're killing me Smalls

1// What if the way you approach Christianity—the way you live out your faith—is taking you farther away from God instead of toward him?

2// “Knowing God is important but being known by God…that’s even more important!”

3// You become a Christian the moment Jesus asks us into his heart and you respond by faith.

4// Being a Christian is about being invited into the life of God.

5// Spiritual growth is not a private affair. The Galatians would be lost without Paul speaking into their lives.

6// Going to Galatia was not part of Paul's strategic plan. He came to them because of an ailment. God doesn't waste our suffering.

7// Why should others weaknesses in faith & falls from faith cause Paul so much emotional turmoil? Could it be because that’s what ministry is.

8// Somebody ought to tell Paul being anxious is a sin and that he should be above it all.

9// Do you get frustrated and irritated and despondent and anxious...? GOOD! YOU’RE NORMAL! Welcome to ministry!

10// Are you showing yet? ...in baptism? ...in dating? ...in compassion? ... in sports (as a family)? ...in worship?

And here are most of the comments and questions from the Communication Cards:

Good to be back for a visit!!  Jason & Traci Schroeder [Wonderful to see you guys! Come back to visit whenever you can.]

  • Wow – the new sound system is fantastic! All encompassing worship! [I know!]
  • Love the worship team! Service was awesome! Thank you! [I agree. Way to go Libby and team! Nathan, great job leading the band and rehearsal.]
  • Good to have the scripture text listed. Thanks. Helps for referral during the week.
  • Well done Henry!
  • I also so appreciate your affirmation of my ministry over coffee! Encouraging message – followed content of Jude from Warren Coe on Saturday. Labor pains – oh my! Great reality check – God speaks through others.
  • Really loved the worship set. Loved Tim’s reading of Peter stepping onto and into the water, leading into the song closing the opening set. Made it very meaningful. Ice cream good ice breaker, lots of discussion! Henry you need to bring water with you every week! Great message Henry – continue to be solid.
  • Is Jesus showing in me? Great illustration! [Thank you, Pete Briscoe, for that one.]
  • The praise songs were awesome today. I’d like to see some dramas again. We used to have them. I do think we did too many then, but once in a while it really gives impact. [Quality dramas require a strong drama team. A strong drama team requires frequency. We don't have plans to use drama for now, but trends change and a day may come when we do again. Thanks for your comment.]
  • Way too much drum (volume) on opening song!
  • On message slides – when referring to God or Jesus, please use caps! He, Him, His. Lower case it’s not respectful and feels wrong. It’s a small thing I know, but it stands out glaring at me. [Thanks for the letting us know how you feel about this. You might notice that the ESV and the NIV do not capitalize pronouns for God. Most Christian book publishers avoid it as well. Here's Crossway's explanation for why they don't capitalize pronouns for God in the ESV: "The ESV does not capitalize deity pronouns mainly for two reasons: (1) The capitalization of deity pronouns in the Bible is a recent innovation that began less than fifty years ago. For example, the KJV Bible and its later revisions (except for the NKJV) did not capitalize deity pronouns. Given the legacy of the KJV, the ESV translation thought that this would be best. (2) Also, the original Bible manuscripts in Greek and Hebrew do not capitalize deity pronouns. Hebrew manuscripts do not have capital letters. In Greek manuscripts, the letters are all either capital or lower case." It's a fine practice, but it is a matter of preference.]