Wednesday Memo
Hi Five Oakers, I've got a couple of things to share with you today:
Here are the comments and questions from the Communication Cards last weekend:
- Acoustic guitar on “Love, Love, Love” was beautiful. Vocals today were great and mix was wonderful.
- Loved seeing so many people take part in communion.
- Great reminders of how we can and should engage.
- Fun to see Erik up front doing announcements! Thank you for the thoughtful and God inspired message for us Henry!
- I truly worshipped today.
- Henry, Worship-engage-wonder. You made a case today for the cross to have a permanent place in our worships space, wow! Our focus not to be on the music, the space, but on the God of the gospel. Keeping our eyes on what God did for us. He did more than communion, he gave His earthly life on the cross in agony, for me. Where should our eyes be? [Plans are in the works for two permanent crosses.]
Here's the sermon in 10 Tweets: "Worship Service" (Joshua 24:15; Exodus 3:18; 8:1)
1// Worship without service is worthless.
2// If there’s no service in your worship, you’re doing yourself a great disservice.
3// Corporate worship isn’t a passive experience…more than a shot in the arm or some inspiration…not about coming and enjoying a performance.
4// Genuine worship requires personal engagement. Personal engagement requires effort. It can’t be done for you.
5// Turning your attention to God is a way of serving God in worship. It's his time. Keep it as his time.
6// Serve in worship by expressing your praise and adoration.
7// Love isn't passive. Love does.
8// Wonder follows from focusing on the Gospel. Let the gospel of God’s grace capture your attention and your heart.
9// It’s easy to equate an emotional response with worship. Just because you felt something doesn’t mean you worshiped.
10// The reality is that the quality of the experience can get in the way of worship if we don't see through it to God.