Thursday Memo

Hi Five Oakers, I have FIVE REALLY IMPORTANT things I want share with you today:

1// Looking for a new spiritual challenge in 2014? Register for Story of God here. Better yet, bring someone with you who is unfamiliar with the Bible story. Register here. Registration ends January 7.

2// Here’s another significant challenge if the Story of God isn’t for you this time around—take the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course. It will rock your world…guaranteed! Starts January 16 at our sister church, Rockpoint Church, in Lake Elmo. For more information go here. I will be teaching during the first evening on God’s Mission in the Story of God.

3// This weekend we’ll be watching one of Andy Stanley’s sermons from his “Breathing Room” series. Andy addresses the question: What if your pursuit of a standard of living is undermining your quality of life?

4// Here’s last weekend’s sermon in 10 Tweets, “Recovering True Worship,” Exodus series:


  1. Building the tabernacle not a simple task be/ access to God has significant barriers.
  2. Until you understand that access to God is not easy, you’ll never truly worship him.
  3. Our access to the after-show party at the Pantages Theater required the right credentials.
  4. Our friend spent years acquiring the credentials, portfolio and skills to be invited as a guest singer. It wasn’t easy.
  5. If access to celebrities and world leaders isn’t easy, why should I think access to God is easy?
  6. We were created with an all-access pass to God in the Garden but rejected it.
  7. Cheribum (angelic beings) with a flaming sword blocked access to Eden…Cheribum embroidered on the curtain separating the Holiest chamber.
  8. Jesus dies…”It is finished”…The curtain torn…”Jesus opened a new way through the curtain…(Heb 10:19-22)
  9. God went under the sword to restore our access. Access to God is free to us, by faith, but at an extreme cost to God.
  10. When you take access to God for granted, you stop worshiping.

5// Here’s a selection from your comments, observations and questions from the weekend Communication Cards.

  • Thank you Henry for a poignant sermon message.
  • Nice worship set gang. Loved the quiet, contemplative song leading us in the message. Loved the “all Access Pass to God” analogy. Impressed upon me how we take for granted the cost – Jesus’ death – to have that access. Thanks for bringing it home.
  • Thank you God! UR the Best!
  • In the midst of silence, it was powerful to have these verses so powerfully impact me. He is approachable!
  • My daughter prayed and asked Jesus to come into her heart on 12/26 with her parents. We praise God that His Spirit has called her to know Him! [What a great privilege and joy!!! Thanks for letting us know. There will be a candle lit for her this coming weekend to join the others who indicated first-time decisions during our Christmas services.]
  • Beautiful guitar work on “Hear My Heart Lord”, how worshipful! Great music this morning!
  • Excellent message.
  • I love my church. Great message and worship! Thank you!
  • Great worship. Great message. Thank you. Praise God.

Blessings, Pastor Henry