Wednesday Memo

Hi Five Oakers,

We had a great kick-off to the campaign. I hope you’re all using the FOR devotional. I’d love to hear how your small group discussions are going. I received this from one of our small group leaders:

"Henry, we were out of town this weekend so missed your message.  I was at a disadvantage leading small group not hearing your message.  I caught 15 minutes of it online before small group, but it didn’t matter because my group was so excited to share the message with my wife and I and one another—great discussion! …Keep challenging us, it’s needed and inspiring and motivating behavior."

Here's the sermon in 10 tweets: "FOR [ God so loved ] – God’s Mission, our Mission (multiple Scriptures):

  1. God’s love compels us to love the world he so loves.
  2. Why did my younger son become a Packer fan? For Leah so loved the Green Bay Packers. It’s funny how love works.
  3. 2 Corinthians 5:14 – For Christ’s love compels us… His love is our motivation… tugs on our hearts… propels us…
  4. He gave us the ministry of reconciliation and entrusted us the message of reconciliation.
  5. We are ambassadors for Christ and he makes his appeal through us.
  6. Our mission is to love our children, our neighbor & the world by reaching and equipping them for Christ.
  7. Who are your kids emulating and admiring? What patterns are you setting from a young age to get them around people that point them to Christ.
  8. “Christ didn’t call us to make Deciders; he called us to make Disciples.” And we’re relentless about it.
  9. Our church is a mission outpost. It’s about reaching others with the lover of God, compelled by the love of God.
  10. Above all else, God wants to work in your heart so you can represent his heart to a lost and broken world.

    Looking forward to seeing you on the weekend!

    Blessings, Pastor Henry