Tuesday Memo
Hi Five Oakers,
I’ve got SEVEN things I want to share with you today.
#1 – Tim Bubar was sharing stories today from Camp Getaway (our yearly fall retreat for jr. and sr. high students). An amazing weekend all around. About 150 youth and adults. God is at work in these students. I see some stories developing right now that we’ll be able to tell later this year in a video or another venue. One unchurched student, a seventh grader who has not attended Rush Hour but came with a friend whose family attends Five Oaks, asked Tim, “Do we really have to wait another year to do this again?” When Tim talked to him about Rush Hour (the weekly junior high program) he turned to the friend who invited him (but doesn’t attend Rush Hour) and invited him to come so they could go together. Pray for these students. So many come from families that are really hurting and our students are reaching out to them.
#2 – We’ve got about 25 folks in Story of God! It’s going great and one of the reasons is because I have a great team around me. If you’d like to help with the next round of Story of God (leading a group, co-leading or helping behind the scenes), let me know.
#3 – We have a new part-time Tech Director. He’s Jordan Slominski. Going part-time with this is new for us, and it is only possible because of a great crew of highly dedicated volunteers. Any of you who attended our Hudson campus will remember Jordan as the keyboard player and sound guy. He and his wife were uber-volunteers. I remember Keith Miraldi asking them to take a week off once per month and Jordan’s response was, “If I’m here, I’d just like to be serving.” It’s great to have Jordan on our staff team.
#4 – We’re getting great reports from our small group leaders regarding their Bible study discussions for the FOR series. Lots of excitement in the air. I think it’s because we all want to be a part of something that is making a difference for God’s Kingdom.
#5 – Would you like to help collect box tops for our Kids Hope partner school, Woodbury Elementary. Just email me and I’ll connect you with Cindy Yarington.
#6 – This weekend is our first ever seminar for parents who are dedicating their kids. I am very excited about this initiative because of what can be accomplished in that hour. This is a huge milestone in the lives of these families and we want to speak into it as a church. Susan Somers will be teaching and leading this particular milestone seminar. We will be developing other seminars for other milestones in the lives of kids and families, so stay tuned.
#7 – Jerry Meras just came back from Peru where he met with the Turvey’s to plan the June mission trip. We also have our first Haiti team meeting coming up for the trip in February. Is God nudging you in any of these directions?
Love you all. I’m proud of you for your dedication to God and his glory.
Blessings, Pastor Henry