Tuesday Memo
Hi Five Oakers,
Tuesdays are our "staff check-in" day, which means coffee, conversations and stories as the entire staff staff gathers in the Commons. It's a good day to share some of the happenings I hear about at the meeting. Here are seven:
#1 - We had 120 story Bibles for sale on the weekend and all of them are gone! I absolutely love the art and the fact that every story points to Christ.
#2 - If you missed out, we've ordered more. We will also have a limited number of a more expensive option that can be used with kids through the upper elementary grades. It's a beautiful book, it includes even more stories and every story points to Christ as well.
#3 - Now we need to use these books in our homes! Set a time, stick to it, don't make it complicated. You don't need deep discussions. It's never going to look like a Norman Rockwell painting in your house. It will be messy, but pick a time, stick to it, don't make it complicated. When movie producer Stephen Kendrick was here speaking to the men, he suggested a couple of simple follow-up questions with a small monetary prize to the kids who answered correctly. You can do this!
#4 - The Men's and Women's Ministry had their kick-off events over the last few days. They've got great opportunities this year for growth and impact. I loved the faith stories I heard at the men's events.
#5 - We had a large crowd at the 9:15 on Sunday and had to use overflow (in fact, attendance was way up all the way around). Kari Ennulat shared about the reaction of one of our ushers who said one minute there were only a few people in the worship center and then he was having trouble finding open seats. He couldn't stop talking and laughing about his surprise.
#6 - Village Schools of the Bible has 17-18 people signed up for the fall session here at Five Oaks! Story of God on steroids.
#7 - Our Group Life team has produced a daily devotional for the five weeks of the campaign. It will be published in book format. We'll have copies here for every adult and teen on the first weekend of the campaign. Don't miss the September 28/29 weekend if you help it.
Pastor Henry