Tuesday Memo
Hi Five Oaksers:
I'm splitting my mid-week memo into two parts this week. Here are a few of things I want to tell you about today.
Hi Five Oakers,
There are several things I want to share with you today.
#1 – Get a recap of the weekend services with highlights of our prayers, readings and songs here.
#2 – We just sent out this postcard to 6000 area residents. Trying to make lemonade…
#3 – One of members wrote this some time ago as she reflected on inviting her neighbors to the Feed Event, and it fits well with last weekend's message:
Reasons Why I Wouldn’t Invite Neighbors
- We are not the most popular family on the block
- We are not the most involved family in the neighborhood
- We do not have kids the “average” ages of most on the block
- We are not the most neat or organized
- Our yard is not the most envied
- I am not the most extroverted person
- I am not the most beautiful person
- We do not have a model perfect marriage
- I do not have super deep history with my neighbors
- Our garage is not the cleanest
- Our barking dog probably makes himself obnoxious barking too early or too late in the day
- I am not on board with some of the choices my neighbors make
- I am too busy to find the right words to ask others
- I assume others may want to help but are too busy as well—if I invite them, they’ll just say no anyway
The more I read over my list, the more I realized what sorry excuses these are. It seems to me that Jesus’ philosophy was pretty simple—get involved in people’s lives!
I can do this by providing food for the poor as I fill bags at FMSC. BUT also giving my neighbors the opportunity to feed the poor could touch a spot in their own hearts that draws them that much closer to a relationship with Christ.
The bottom line? Jesus promised—“ My Power is made perfect in weakness. All I need to do is be his instrument. He is responsible for the rest.
I look forward to seeing Him at work.
#4 – Yeah, this guy will be here Thursday and Friday for the Finding Faith movie. Read more about the movie here.
#5 – 220 or so kids will be here all next week for VBS. I wish everyone could see their energy in the worship center when they sing and convene for large group. I wish everyone could see the youth who help lead this in preparation for leading it this summer on their mission trip. And all the dedicated volunteers that decorate the building and run this event. God bless you all!!!
#6 – Crazy energy and crowd for the Saturday service at the new time, 6pm. May have been our largest, non-holiday Saturday in years. Funny thing is I argued with our team against this time. I am happy to say I was wrong.
#7 – Here’s the message in 10 Tweets (“Worship Evangelism” in the Mission of God series):
- Why is it so hard to invite people to a church service? Should we? What’s it all about, getting bigger?
- There is a firm biblical foundation for inviting.
- 1 Cor. 14:23-24 – Paul expected the unchurched to be invited.
- The Jewish synagogues outside Palestine were teaming with seekers in the first century.
- Temple court of the Gentiles: To get the nations as close as possible to God’s people worshiping.
- Mk 11:17 – Jesus, “My house shall be called a house of prayer for the nations.”
- Solomon anticipated seekers at the temple. “Sovereign Lord, when they pray, give them what they ask for.” (1 Ki 8:41-43)
- Most of us need help leading someone to cross the line. Help is here every week. The gospel permeates our services. 100’s make decisions.
- "Then in my 30s I find a church that helps me understand what it all means...my life changed that moment...crossed the line of faith…"
- I’m so glad a neighbor friend invested in me (an unchurched kid) and invited me to his church.
I have a few more things to share tomorrow.
Blessings, Pastor Henry