Mid-Week Memo

Hi Five Oakers,

There are several things I want to share with you today.

#1 – Get a recap of the Easter service with highlights of our prayers, readings and songs here.

#2 – From everything I’m hearing, the Sunday morning parenting workshop was a big success. 274 parents and children attended.


Here are some of the “aha moments” listed on the evaluation forms:

  • I'm an intense mom raising an intense child!!!!
  • Control is not developing Godly behavior
  • Seeing how my children saw themselves in God's eyes
  • There are ways to discipline without controlling
  • Conflict=my sin running into someone else's sin
  • How do you calm yourself down.  James 1:19,20
  • Not focus on compliance but development
  • The “You Are Commandments”
  • Making me aware of the message I send my kids, my own selfish or maybe time/agenda gets in the way
  • Distinguishing behaviors and beliefs so that we can put the thumbprint of God in their lives

#3 – This coming weekend is all about personal stories of lives changed by God as MN Adult & Teen Challenge comes to Five for all three services. Who can you invite to this event? Remember, think of families who are struggling with drugs, alcohol or other addictions.

#4 – Here are your comments/questions from the Communication Cards:

  • Love Jeremy! Very spirit filled worship today. [I agree. Thank you Jeremy for guest leading again this past weekend. You’re a joy up front and behind the scenes. And great job to the band and vocalists. You led us well.]
  • Enjoyed praise and worship – thanks. A sermon that spoke directly to us – Kansas misses you, Henry! [Great having our friends from Kansas visiting. Threw me off part way into the message when I saw them.]
  • Love the series, Henry! Thanks! 
  • What a great worship set. Really felt lead in song and word – thanks. Loved the message and worship.
  • Henry, thank you so much for your message and for helping me to see God’s will for my life so clearly. 
  • Loved the worship.
  • Great worship.
  • Henry – great presentation of the character of God! Touching message.
  • For what it’s worth, the worship leader this weekend was awesome. We hope to see him again!
  • Really like the young man doing the music.
  • Jeremy! Can we hire him? He is awesome….
  • Awesome job today bandleader! 
  • Pastor Henry – while in NYC last week, I was able to make it to the WTC Memorial and am happy to report that the “Survivor Tree” is alive and well. [Very cool!!!]
  • Fantastic worship music today! 
  • Hire this guy.
  • The guest worship leader is great.
  • I am continually impressed – when someone brings it like Jeremy brought it, how do people stand still? 
  • Loved the worship set. 
  • Another awesome message and sermon. I get so much of what I need spiritually, from our church every week. For direction, and guidance, to face my life of sobriety and overcoming my addictions. God’s grace is so wonderful, and it all starts here – for me – every week.
  • Can we please have him as our worship leader? 
  • Really enjoyed music this week!
  • I like the worship leader! 
  • Awesome praise leader today – Jeremy! 

#5 – Our Staff Leadership Team is off to our annual planning retreat Sunday afternoon through Wednesday. Pray for wisdom and discernment for us.

#6 - Here’s the sermon in 10 Tweets, “Fashion Statement,” Jeremiah 13:1-11, Week 4 of Mission of God series:

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  1. God wants to make a fashion statement and you are big part of that statement.
  2. According to Jeremiah 13, "God wants to wear his people" (Chris Wright)
  3. God's people will help turn the world to him when they admire what God has done for them and in them.
  4. God wants to wear his people & for the nations to notice and say, "You look great!"
  5. Are you making God look good?
  6. You make God look good when you live like he calls you & designed you to live.
  7. You won't be perfect but do people look at you & think, "There's someone whose faith makes a difference in how he lives."
  8. You make God look good by doing good. “…let ur light shine before others so see ur good works and give glory…” (Jesus)
  9. Christians response to 2nd & 3rd century plagues major catalyst for growth of Christianity. Made God look good by doing good.
  10. Tripp: "This weekend u took a step into darkness… I'm pleading with u, live in the light." Son: "I want to. It's so hard. Will u help me?

I’m thankful for all of you and pray for you. Hope to see you on the weekend.

Blessings, Pastor Henry