Mid-Week Memo

Hi Five Oakers,

There are several things I want to share with you today.

#1 – Get a recap of the Easter service with highlights of our prayers, readings and songs here.

#2 – Our worship leader search is completed! See the previous posting on this blog.

#3 – We tried something new last weekend. Jake Eyler, our Care Ministry Director, preached the message at the Saturday service and Tim preached on Sunday. Both messages were on the same passage and in our Mission of God series. Jake is student at Bethel Seminary and previously served in a church about the size of Five Oaks in Manhattan Kansas, so he has a little more preaching experience than your average seminarian. The plan is to have Jake preach his next message a few months from now in one of the Sunday services. This gives all of us a stake in his development as a pastor and preacher.

#4 – Tim’s sermon on Sunday was powerful. If you missed it, you can listen to it or watch it here.

#5 – Hey Saturday nighters, we'll be offering free snacks and coffee before and after the Saturday service during the summer. Food, Fun and Fellowship! If you would like some information on how you can help with this ministry during the summer, email me. And don't forget: service time changes to 6:00pm starting June 1.

#6 – Here’s comment from the cards we send to first-time guests:

4/9  Great experience thus far.  One suggestion would be to have Pastor Henry greet folks as they’re leaving the sanctuary each Sunday.

#7 – Here’s a ministry opportunity for an individual, family or small group. This is from Pastor Larry Willman of Payne Avenue Free Church, an urban church in St. Paul. Please prayerfully consider this request. If you can help or you want more information, let me know.

I have an opportunity for some mature believers to use their gifts in a city neighborhood setting this summer.

For a number of reasons, we’re looking for some temporary help in worship leading, adult Sunday School teaching, & summer Wed night Bible Study leading (for a Men’s Group & a Women’s Group). 

Would you pray about it & see if God has anyone come to your mind that is mature & has some good things to teach/share in those above areas and who would be open to a “cross-cultural” experience where they could serve this summer.

We are open to creative options as well.

#8 – Here are your comments/questions from the Communication Cards:

Saturday Comments:

  • Thanks for the worship. Terrific message, testifying to what’s real. Great closing set folks. Thanks.  [I agree. Jake did a great job.]
  • Nice to see/hear Daniel back on stage. Great job Jake! Loved the “closet” illustration. Illustrations, such as dramas, help cement the sermon in the mind. BRING BACK DRAMA’S.
  • I love child dedications. Dan the Piano-man! We want more piano! [He chose to do all piano on Sunday. Maybe he read your comment.]

Sunday Comments:

  • Thanks Tim for sharing your vulnerable heart. Your story will bring hope to many. [Absolutely. You could have heard a pin drop.]
  • Thanks for your courage to share your story, Tim! 
  • Thank you for the testimony. Wow!
  • Thank you for sharing, Tim. This was a powerful message. God is speaking to me. 
  • It seems like we’re in a time of double standards with tolerance. We are expected to tolerate the lifestyles of others, but it’s not tolerated to share our belief. It’s frightening to know what to do. 
  • Tim, thank you for making yourself vulnerable to model for all of us about taking the real personal stuff we deal with and allowing God to work in spite of us. I appreciate it. God works thru humbleness. Thanks. 
  • Tim, thanks for being REAL! 
  • Thank you Tim. 
  • Thank you, Tim, for trusting God as you witnessed and shared with the church God’s powerful grace in your life.
  • Thank you for sharing Tim. God is sooo good! He has prepared you to reach so many lives for Him! 
  • Tim, thank you for sharing and opening yourself to us. God is using you to impact lives and draw people to him. God bless you and your family. Great job worship team! Sounded great. 
  • Tim, thank you so much for sharing such a personal struggle. May God use it in mighty ways. You are a wonderful witness!
  • Thanks for sharing your personal experiences Tim! It can be hard, but can also help others. 

#9 – We have a great video faith story for this weekend’s message. You won’t want to miss it.  

Blessings, Pastor Henry