Thursday Memo
Hi Five Oakers,
There are several things I want to share with you today.
#1 – Get a recap of the service with highlights of our prayers, readings and songs here.
#2 - Remember, Coffee House is on Friday, 7-9pm. Great fellowship, fun, food, beverages and live acoustic music. Here's this year's crazy Coffee House video.
#3 - Here's the Coffee House song from two years ago.
#4 - Here are the comments from the Communication Cards:
- Thank you for today’s message. The worship team was exceptional today!
- Pastor Henry, thanks for your passionate teaching on the Lord’s Supper – answered a ton of questions I had about “rules” of it at different churches.
- Most freeing communion message ever.
- Pastor Henry, thank you for delivering such a sound message. PREACH IT!
- Praise God for His church; this church. Keep trusting God, He, through you, is doing great things!
- Awesome service! And worship.
- ...This was a pivotal message for me. I have a desperate need for forgiveness; therefore I am worthy.
- That was very good! … it was such freedom when I understood communion the correct way. Thank you for explaining it by God’s word!
- Thankful today for my husbands birthday yesterday and having the opportunity to share another birthday with him!
- Kara, you rock – what a great clear voice for Hosanna. Great music this week.
- The worship set was so nice. Loved the vocals on Hosanna, great lead and harmony. Musical arrangements for all the songs were terrific. Tim, you are so relaxed, fun and thorough in doing announcements. You represent our church so well. Henry, you continued that. We are so blessed to have you guys! What a beautiful touching message. I learned so much from you. The Holy Spirit helps you/directs you in those messages. Thanks for submitting to the Spirit. Great close.
- WOW! A totally new way to look at celebrating communion – and the progression from Passover to Last Supper – an aha moment for me.
- I really missed upbeat music today and needed some.
- Add paper recycling in the commons.
- Thanks for AWESOME message and worship. Much needed for me.
#4 – Here’s the sermon in 10 tweets, Luke 22:7-23, “Savoring the Lord’s Supper”:
- Communion is known by many names: the Lord's Supper, the Eucharist, the Mass. This was Jesus' 1st and last Communion.
- The Lord’s Supper is more than an important ritual; it’s an opportunity for reflection.
- The original Lord’s Supper took place during the Passover meal. It was a Passover meal.
- The L.S. is the completion of the Passover. Christ's death on the cross is the completion of the entire sacrificial system.
- It was God's plan all along. He designed Passover and sacrifices to point to the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
- Jesus’ ministry on earth was about our exodus from our captivity under sin’s power to freedom in Christ.
- “Now I come here instead, and I finish the evening with the body of Christ on my tongue, and I wash it down with the blood of Christ.”
- The Lord’s Supper represents redemption embodied in a meal for a meal with God.
- Tim Chester: “It’s the real thing begun in a partial way.”
- Campolo’s father: “Take it, girl! It was meant for you. Do you understand me?”
#5 - Here are some of the Impact activities our small groups, our staff team and some families did this last quarter:
- Prepared and serving breakfast at Dorothy Day.
- Holiday bake sale raised $3K for World Vision.
- Volunteered with the Salvation Army in Somerset, WI, to bag and distribute Christmas gifts.
- Gathered donations for Operation Christmas Child, rang bells for Salvation Army, supported one of their members for the Haiti team.
- Sponsored 11 kids for Christmas through the Friends in Need food shelf serving Cottage Grove, Newport and St. Paul Park.
- Adopted a couple of families through Friends In Need food shelf in St Paul Park.
- Assisted at the Families Helping Each Other Christmas Party and distribution of toys for Toys for Tots.
- Went to the Woodbury Retirement Center and did activities with the elderly.
I'm blessed by you, your love and your service. Pastor Henry