Tuesday Memo
Hi Five Oakers,
I have a few things I want to share with you.
#1- The worship service this weekend had an intensity that I can’t quantify, but I loved it. Thanks Justin and the worship team for leading us.
#2- We had Small Group Leader training during both services on Sunday. We have another one coming up in two weeks for those that missed the last one.
#3- According to what I hear, the Men’s Ministry had an excellent gathering on Saturday morning. Saturdays are typically my day to bring together the week’s work on my message, but I was still hoping to pop in. Turns out I got the proofs back for the Story of God book and had to work on that for the first few hours on Saturday. Copies are ordered and will be here in two weekends for the small groups. Sorry to have missed you, guys. The men’s retreat is coming up soon, and I’ll see you there. Looking forward to it.
#4- You can review this last weekend's songs, readings, prayers and other service elements here.
#5- Here are your comments from the Communication Cards:
- Great songs this week! Thank you!
- Excited for the “Eat this book” series. With a 10 month old puppy in my house, it is a common occurrence!
- Love the hymns. Please, let’s continue to sing them.
- Loved the hymns during worship time. It helps to set the mood.
- Such a beautiful worship set to open, thank you, thank you. Tim you do such a nice job of announcements catching the moment and spirit of the weekend. I don’t even know what to say about that great message and closing set. Tears of joy!
- Doing a great job! I love the worship, keep it up!
- How marvelous – very nice build. Very appropriate worshipful start.
- I was at our small group on Friday and we spoke in appreciation of having sermons that were remembered and put to use. It is worth my drive from Plymouth.
- Really good message. Really spoke to me.
- Thank you Henry, for giving today’s scripture clarity for me. So well done.
- I love that last song. Thanks.
- Awesome! To coin an out of date phrase – oh well.
- Great music, bluegrass takes us to our roots! (comment from 8/26) I really appreciate the music ministry – it really does clear out my mind so I can focus on who God is. (comment from 9/9)
- What would our response be like to take it with us into our week’s life –challenged to go rather then wrapping it up in a tidy package each week at a response station and leaving it at church? [You are so right. Our response only begins in the worship center.]
- It’s very cold in the worship center!
#6- Here’s a recap of the message in 10 Tweets:
- “The Test” – Luke 18:18-30 – The Rich Young Ruler (RYR)
- Jesus gives a test, and the test comes in two parts. The first part has to do with performance; the second, with the heart.
- Interestingly, Jesus lets him grade his own paper, and the guy gives himself an A.
- If Jesus came to you and said, “Tomorrow I’m going to meet with you and I’m going to test your commitment to me,” would you be nervous?
- This passage is your practice test. …it might be helpful to understand the nature of the test.
- The questions are not about the money or your performance. Jesus doesn't need $. Jesus attacked performance-based religion.
- They are about idolatry & identity. The questions probed & discovered he idolized his stuff & would lose his core ID if he gave it up.
- Ultimately, in light of Christ’s death and resurrection, the questions on your test will be about whether you trust in Christ’s performance.
- What if, after being asked about the commandments, the RYR had dropped his head and pleaded, “Be merciful to me, the sinner.”
- He would not be lacking the one thing: the humility to admit he needs a Savior. He would have asked for and received grace.
Blessing to you, Pastor Henry