Tuesday Memo

Hi Five Oakers,

I have FIVE things I want to share with you today.

#1- I enjoyed just attending the worship service on Saturday night this weekend. Great worship and Tim did a great job.

#2- It was fun having Jerry in the congregation Saturday night. The Miles4Meals team arrived in the parking lot at about 4pm. What an incredible accomplishment. We’ll be seeing some video and pictures celebrating it over the next few weeks.

#3- Lois and I attended Trinity Lutheran Church in Hudson on Sunday (at their Family Life Center), where Todd Stocker recently took a call to be their Senior Pastor. Loved the service there. Lots of energy in the congregation, and Todd is a great pastor and preacher.

#4- You can check out the highlights from the weekend worship (readings, prayers, music, etc.) here.

#5- And here are you comments from the Communication Cards:

  • Love the worship!
  • I could hear the worship leader better today thank you! [Yeah, I think they found the main culprit.]
  • Thank you for the wonderful message this week. 
  • I found courage to sing out loud in church lst time, that’s big. [Way to go!]
  • I appreciated Tim’s personal story about sharing Bible stories with his kids and the mayhem that ensues. And also how it may not be possible to do it every day or night. It reminds me that we are all human, even our pastors. Thank you for your honesty and humor. [Yes, loved that story.]
  • Don’t panic, great advice! I love it
  • I bought a friend with and she loved it
  • Tim, I love your honesty. This message ministers to me as grandma keeping the word in front of my grandchildren. Thank you. 
  • Loved seeing all the people transitioning from 1st to 2nd service. Fall is here! Loved the new songs – thanks. Great message Tim, well-constructed and delivered. I won’t panic, I used to. The heroin addict! Thanks for delivering God’s wisdom. Fantastic closing set, wow! 
  • Justin, is it time for another choir? I so loved doing that last winter and those songs have really stayed with me. 
  • If possible, can the audio of the weekly message be made available sooner, I missed last week and as of Tuesday, wasn’t available yet. Thanks! Tim, wow! Let me say it again, wow! Great delivery of the message! I love your approach. Thanks. [Looking into it. Thanks.]
  • Maybe a second light station/response to reduce line during sermon. [We’ve got to figure out a way to make it easier to light the candles. Takes forever once you’re up there.]
  • Have you ever thought of offering the Story of God as a seven-week study in the youth group, high school groups weekly? My daughter is 16 and I would love her to experience the small group I was able to.  [How about it, Tim?]

 God bless you all, Pastor Henry