Thursday Memo
Hi Five Oakers
I have a few things I want to share with you today.
#1 – Here’s the video Alex Hovda wrote, starred in, filmed and edited. Dan Lukas asked him to do a video about his baptism and this is what came out. Loved it! Alex was an intern this past summer and he now works for us part-time on our social media communications.
#2 – Beginning November 4, we will be moving our 9:30am service to 9:15am. The extra 15 minutes between services will be used to alleviate the congestion between services (especially in Children’s Ministry check-in areas). We are not adding more time to our services.
#3 – Here’s a comment we received from the cards we send first-time guests:
- 9/16 We were confused about the different stations but there was a brief explanation at the next church service we went to. We did grab an information sheet that explained it now. [We’ve got a plan to address this in a better way. Should be coming pretty soon. Should also help our members better understand how our entire service fits together and flows. All killer; no filler.]
#4 – We’re changing how we do our yearly audit. Starting next year we will be hiring a firm to do a professional audit. It’s long overdue. Ask anyone who has served on this committee. But this also means we need people on the Audit Committee who can take the professional report and advise our Board. Could you help us in this way? Let me know. Membership is required for this committee.
#5 – Almost
all the copies of the Story of God book were sold last week. We ordered more.
This copy of the book, like the previous edition, is still in beta. I’m hoping soon to
get a thorough professional edit done, so if you see some glaring grammatical
issues or typos, please let me know. I know they are there, especially in the
closing chapters, which are new. When I received the hard copy last week, I
opened to one of the new chapters and within one minute found an omitted word,
so I know they are probably legion! At least the cover is flawless!
#6 – I love it when our small group leaders offer the communion elements like this last weekend. I love that our church sees our key front-line pastors on those weekends and that we get to “preach the gospel” when you take the elements.
#7 – As we start of our new ministry year, we launch our new ministry plan. The plan is developed by the Staff Leadership Team and approved by the Governing Board. We have five initiatives this year and I’ll share one per week over the next few weeks. Just remember, these are initiatives, they do not include all the priorities we have in our on-going ministry of making disciples of kids, students and adults.
Initiative 2: Leaders will take next steps to deepen their passion for and surrender to Christ and to model it for others.
You’ll notice that our first two of the five initiatives are addressed to leaders (see the first initiative here). "Leaders" includes staff, Board, Elders, small group leaders, teachers, directors, etc. Evidence suggests next steps will have a personal risk elements so that we are stretched and moved to depend more on Christ. It goes without saying that as our leaders go, so goes our church.
#8 – This weekend's message is an extended illustration of how knowing the Story of God impacts our ability to eat the Book well. Hope to see you there.
#9 – I’m speaking at our Men’s Retreat Saturday morning on “7 Dumb Things Men Do to Sabotage Their Spiritual Growth.” The first one might be "they don't read The Story of God book." Then again, maybe not.
That’s all for today. God bless you all, Pastor Henry