Thursday Memo
Hi Five Oakers,
I have four things I want to share with you today.
#1- One of our small groups has been conducting an evening VBS for Karen refugee children this week. They're running it for the kids at the apartment building of the Karen family they're connected with. What an undertaking! They've had almost 100 kids most nights! I can't tell you how proud I am of them. That's Christ, his kingdom and Five Oaks Church there at that building. And it's not just the adults from the group who are serving but their kids as well.
#2- The Turveys move to Peru is going to be featured on House Hunters International (HGTV) on August 29, 9:30am. Read about it here: "A Young Family Downsizes to Help Other in Lima, Peru."
#4- This week's message is on prayer from Luke 18:1-8. What can we learn from a parable about a unjust judge and a widow who will badger him until he puts her in jail or addresses her concern? Come and find out.