Wednesday Memo
Hi Five Oakers,
I have THREE things I want to share with you in today's Memo.
#1- If you're a serious runner, there's a group meeting at the Five Oaks building at 6:30am on Sunday (departing promptly at 6:45am) to run to Hudson for the River Baptism service at 10:00am. Patty Meras will be driving the support vehicle. Two water stops are planned. Here's the crew from last year. Looks like fun...if you're inclined to like pain and anguish.
#2- 24 days until our guys take off on the Miles 4 Meals ride from CA to MN (2000 miles) to raise $110,000 for 500,000 meals to feed 1,370 starving children for a full year. Like it on Facebook (here) to help get the word out and stay informed and check out the website here (you can donate on the website).
#3- Some of you happened to see the article in the Minneapolis Tribune on "church hopping" that quoted me. I even received an email from someone I know in Michigan who read the article when another news agency picked it up. Anyway, I had a pretty extensive talk with the reporter last week and you can read the article here. One thing I talked about that didn't make the cut was while I think "church hopping" is not a good idea in general, there have been some individual cases I know of where it made sense for that family for one reason or another. Not the ideal, but the person or family had unusual circumstances. Recently, a Five Oaks couple asked me if it was okay to "hop" between Five Oaks and one other church. After explaining the circumstances, I gave told them it made sense for now but that a day would come when they would need to choose, for their own sakes. You can read some of my other comments in the article.
Blessing, Pastor Henry