Messages on the Horizon

I'm very excited about the message series that are coming up this summer and fall. But don't hold me to this. Plan change often, but I will get to all or most of this in due time.

  • The next three weekends, Vince Miller kicks off a three-week series called "Moments Weakness Becomes Strength," based on three instances in the lives of Jacob, Joseph and Moses. If you're new to Five Oaks, Vince works for Inter-Varsity Fellowship in the Twin Cities (a international campus ministry) and is an engaging communicator, teacher of God's Word and storyteller.
  • In four weeks we have Todd Stocker and he will be sharing his very powerful personal story and speaking to parents in particular.
  • On my first week back from sabbatical I will preach a message on baptism. The first draft is done and I'm excited about it. It's a long overdue plunge into the subject of baptism. I think it will clear things up for a lot of of people. And my hope is that many of you who have not been baptized since receiving Christ will take the "plunge" the next weekend at the biggest baddest baptism bash ever in the history of Five Oaks. (Try saying that five times fast.)
  • At the combined service in Hudson on the St. Croix on July 25 I will launch a series on the book of Jonah. I'm not sure yet how long it will be, but it will span five to seven weeks (or maybe twelve, who knows). Although it's a favorite of children's Sunday school, this is also a profound book about God and his grace (and how we often don't get it). 
  • Starting some time this fall we'll launch a long-term study of 1 Peter. Prepare to be in 1 Peter for months and months. I will break it up into a series of series, and we will insert other series along the way, but over the coming year we'll cover every verse of that book in depth. Prepare to be amazed by it because it is am amazing epistle.