Results from Bible & Doctrine Quiz

If you missed this last week's message, we looked at the second dumb thing smart Christians do to sabotage their spiritual growth--they skip the basics. You'll have to check out the podcast or the executive summary of the message (see below) to get why this sabotages spiritual growth.

At the end of the message I gave a 10 question quiz on some basic Bible facts and doctrine. We had 617 quiz results turned in. Based on those results, here is my recommendation:

  • 57% got 0 to 6 correct answers. If you were in this group, you probably either skipped the basics or need a refresher course. If you got 6 correct, you might be on the bubble, in my opinion.
  • 43% got 7-10 correct answers. If you were in this group, you probably have the basics down well to well enough.

How can you get the basics? I'll write more about this in future posts.

Here's a more detailed breakdown of the results:

# Correct    % Respondents

0                2.1%

1                5%

2                9.9%

3                12.6%

4                8.6%

5                9.9%

6                8.9%

7                10.4%

8                11.3%

9                10.2%

10               11%