End of the Year Giving

You may have seen the numbers in the worship program this weekend regarding the offerings at the end of the year. I've included them below. But let me summarize it all by saying that we were expecting to underspend on the budget and still fall short up to $10,000 or break even. I'm so happy to announce that we underspent the budgeted amount by $40,000 and we gave in excess to the budgeted amount by over $20,000! We were in awe. I want to thank you (our congregation) for your responsiveness and generosity to the mission of our church.

What do we do with excess? First, the Governing Board added $25,000 more to the "emergency fund." Secondly, we will put excess in a "missional" line in our budget for future opportunities. It will also be there to help should we have future short-falls too. We used extra money in the past to fund the early stages of capital campaigns and to fund the launch of the Hudson campus. So that's the kind of thing a "missional" line can fund if we don't have to draw from it in these uncertain financial times.

General Fund

     Weekly Need              $  28,850.00

     December 6 & 7 ......    $  31,643.03
     December 13 & 14 ...    $  37,979.48
     December 20 & 21....    $  46,226.12
     December 27 & 28 ...    $137,183.19

Building Fund

      December.............    $  12,264.00

Christmas Eve Offering for Haiti

     December 23 & 24 ...   $  14,764.00