The Search Team
Things are moving along on the search for the new Small Group Ministry Director/Hudson Campus Pastor. I just realized I had not yet introduced the search team:
- Dave Breen is chairing the team and has been with Hudson since the beginning. Dave is a small group leader at Hudson and serves on the Logistics team.
- Rhonda Graves serves on our Governing Board and has worked on our H.R. team for years. She has been with Five Oaks for many years and attends the Hudson campus.
- Tom Berg chaired the search team that hired me almost twelve years ago. Tom has served in more capacities than I can list here, but he's currently a Small Groups Ministry Coach and group leader.
- Mike Kirley is serving our our Audit Committee and has been attending Five Oaks for several years. I just want to add that he and Roger Peters just presented their audit to the Board and they not only did an excellent job, but they have put together a manual for future audit teams! That's way above and beyond.
- Kathy Giere directs our Children's Ministry at Hudson. She also directed our Children's Ministry for years before Jeni Carlson came on our team. She has been with Five Oaks for about fifteen years.
- Brad Wiger is currently on our Governing Board serving as Secretary. He has also served as a small group leader and in other capacities.
It's a great group of insightful and wise people who know our church and what we need. I'm very thankful to have them working with me on this important task.